How to Permanently Delete Your Quora Account, Saying Goodbye to Quora

Quora Account Delete

 is a fantastic platform to learn and share knowledge. But sometimes, you might decide it's no longer the space for you. If you're looking for a clean break, here's a guide on permanently deleting your Quora account.

Important Note: Before deleting your account, remember this action is permanent. You cannot recover your profile, content (answers, questions, comments, etc.), or followers once it's gone.

Backing Up (Optional):

While Quora doesn't offer a direct backup option, you can manually save your content if needed. This might involve copying and pasting your answers or exporting them as text files.

Let's Get Deleting:

Log In: Head to Quora and log in to your account.

Access Settings: Click on your profile picture in the top right corner. Select "Settings" from the dropdown menu.

Privacy Settings:  In the left-hand menu, navigate to "Privacy."

Delete Account:  Scroll down to the bottom of the privacy settings page. You'll see two options: "Deactivate Account" and "Delete Account." Click "Delete Account."

Confirmation: A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm your password. Enter your password and click "Delete."

Using the Mobile App?

The process is similar on the mobile app:

How to Permanently Delete Your Quora Account

Profile Picture: Tap on your profile picture in the top left corner.

How to Permanently Delete Your Quora Account

Settings: Select "Settings" from the menu.

How to Permanently Delete Your Quora Account

Privacy: Navigate to "Privacy" within the settings.

How to Permanently Delete Your Quora Account

Delete Account:  Just like the desktop version, scroll down and tap "Delete Account."

How to Permanently Delete Your Quora Account

Confirmation: Enter your password and tap "Delete" to confirm.

How to Permanently Delete Your Quora Account


Processing Time: Allow Quora 14 days to process your deletion request. If you log in during this period, the deletion will be canceled.

Content Anonymity: Questions you've posted will remain on the platform but will be attributed to "Quora User" instead of your name.

Deactivation vs. Deletion: Consider deactivating your account first if you're unsure. This hides your profile but allows reactivation if you change your mind.

Remember: Deleting your account is a permanent decision. Make sure it's the right course of action before proceeding.

We hope this guide helps you with deleting your Quora account!